Posts Tagged ‘Culture’


Carnaval de Nice

March 9, 2008

Last weekend we drove to Nice to check this year’s Carnival parade. I guess everyone else in the world celebrates Mardi Gras on a… Tuesday, but here celebrations starts only by mid-February and ends on the last Sunday of the month.  Although we have found it very poor when compared to our Brazilian-like festivities, nevertheless it´s a major Winter event attracting more than 1 million every year. 

Under the theme “Le Roi des Ratapignatas, Raminagrobis et autres ramassis de Rats masqués” (king of bats, cats, rats and other legendary creatures), the Carnival processions displayed some twenty decorated floats, 300 “big heads” and a hundred troupes of entertainers.

Here’s some shots:


Some tourists chose to play Summer time, stretching on the rocky beach of the Promenade des Anglais.  


Walt Disney upcoming horror movie?


 Ségolène Royal with a friend?


New wave Tintin?   😉


And, finally, the main attraction….


João C. Mendes